Quite a bit for a quite a year
It has been a year like no other and we have been unable to actively invite anyone to volunteer in the park due to COVID restrictions during this time……. However many regular park users will be aware that there have been members of the group that have stayed busy in the park and behind the scenes throughout this period (socially distanced of course!) – here’s a quick catch up of some of the stuff that has been happening ;
*regular gardening in Fruity Corner
*developing a new Medicinal mini woodland area
*transitioning part of the annual wild flower meadow to a perenial flower meadow
*planting over 3000 bulbs in the park
*planting over 600 saplings around the park
*individuals have been regularly picking up litter on their walks round the park
*pond clean up last October
*members of the group have also organised / co ordinated conservation tasks with the Conservation Volunteers and with the Community Payback Co-ordinaters
*we have had funding from a National Lottery Micro Grant, an Action Earth grant and a donation of 1000 bulbs from the Rotary Club
*we have relaunched our website that was completely lost after being hacked in February 2020
*a small group of people working hard to secure the funding for a new playpark.
………. phew that really is quite a bit for a quite a year