Friends of Figgate Park
Figgate Friends care for the park, for the people who know, love and use it.
The Figgate Park runs through the communities of Duddingston, Mountcastle and Northfield – a total population of over 13,000 people. Three major schools, St John’s Primary, Duddingston Primary and Portobello High, with total school rolls of 2100, are within a few moments walk of the Park.
There are over 140 parks in Edinburgh and over 40 of them have active Friends Groups – people who organise activities and projects in the Park, get involved in practical conservation and gardening tasks as well as regular clean ups.
We are keen to hear from anyone who is interested in volunteering for the FoFP . If you have energy and enthusiasm to contribute we want to hear from you … (absolutely no experience needed) or if you have a specific skill that could be useful to our community group please get in touch.